
Exploring the tidepools
Uncle Paul, Taylor and Carter

A game of frisbee Football

Sparklers from Grandma were a HUGE hit!

Aunt Scarlett and Carter at the tidepools

Taylor and Carter

Amy and Mom
Cousins-Lacey, Emma, Tyler and Carter
We had a mini family reunion this week with my family. I have the greatest family in the world...but everyone probably says that! I love to spend time with my family. We are growing by leaps and bounds with new babies and in-laws! I have the cutest nieces and nephews. We spent the week together playing, sleeping over at Grandma's house, late night runs to Cherry on Top, the beach, the park, the pool. So much fun. Scott teases me because my idea of heaven is being with my family hanging out, just like Sunday nights at my Mom's house. Talking, laughing, debating...enjoying life. I think the thing I have been thinking about the most this week is you could strip everything away, and as long as I had my family, I would feel at home, safe, loved and cherished. I love my husband and children and I am so happy that I have such an amazing extended family with sisters and brothers and nieces and nephews that I love so much. Thanks for a great week!


Ange said...

So great to spend time with family!! You all look like you are so happy, and having so much fun, I love it!

Susie Demke said...

So fun! and glad you got your family fix. You were hankering for that.

Aston said...

We love you guys so much. It was a wonderful week. Thank you for all your help with my kids. You are an incredible Aunt. I love being an Aston and I agree with your idea of heaven. I'd love to be there ... tell Scott, he can tag along.

April Hunsaker said...

That's what i am going to start calling it! A family fix! Thanks Susie:)

summerzfamily said...

fun times!!! Hope to see you when Missy has her beach house-- we can do another "girls" dinner---
lots to catch up on :)

The Ward Family said...

How fun! I feel the same way about my family. Sitting around talking and laughing is the best.