We are a Happy Family

We've gotten the hang of school, I think. Three schools, three different times, four kids...can you say crazy? My day begins and ends with driving. Now, while Zanna is looking forward with extreme glee to the day when she can drive a car (and it is coming faster than an express train) I am tired of being in the car. it starts with early morning cemetary (oops! I mean seminary) and then moves on to the different schools. Luckily I have a testimony of seminary (thanks DAD!!) so that part is fairly painless. I don't know how Zanna does it, suffice it to say that by the end of the week she is exhausted! Taylor seems to be enjoying junior high school. He isn't very forthcoming with details, but from what I can gather, it is not a horrific nightmare. Carter is adjusting well to being in school all day, and I look forward to the days that I help in his class. I love to be with kids, whether it be my own or at primary on Sunday. I love my calling even though I am tired after church. Of course, that could be because I always stay out too late on Saturday nights. Yes it is date night, but no that's not the reason I am up late. Zanna's social calendar includes dances and sometimes late night toilet papering...but you didn't hear that from me, and you guessed it, often I am the designated driver. She is also running cross country again this year, that girl is sooo busy. Lacey and Carter are both playing soccer and they are so cute! Carter rocks on the soccer field, and Lacey has played forward this year with great success. I love to watch their games. So final wrap up, we are busy, but busy in a good happy family way. I wouldn't want it any other way.


Dawn said...

Girlie, I don't know how you do it. Aye!

I see now why you don't have time to blog and wonder how I do! LOL I don't have kids going in that many directions. You deserve a medal... a massage or something.

April Hunsaker said...

Dawn! you found me on my other blog! Yeah, I am going too many directions, but truth be told I don't want it any other way. Life is good.

Aston said...

I guess I should start being more grateful for being stuck at home instead of complaining. My time will come. You are amazing! We can't wait to see you guys this weekend.