all by myself...don't want to be

Taylor just sucessfully completed his first week at Scout Camp and despite all my worrying, and seriously I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack on a daily basis, he had a great time! He got to hike, swim, sleep outside with three other boys (alone!!) in a makeshift shelter and practice first aid. He said they were so busy he didn't have time to shower...for a week! His excuse was that he was swimming every day. I am happy to have him back home again and hopefully next year I won't be a basket case. Prayer works, that is all I have to say. Now Suzanne is off to girls camp where she gets to be a cabin leader and lead devotionals for the girls in her cabin. She was so excited, she amazes me with her spunk and determination to do a good job in everything she does! Scott is leaving tomorrow (and packing as this goes to print) to go on the super activity with the Priests. (They are going to Zion National Park!) I already miss them! What in the world am I going to do when my kids all grow up and move out? I hate it when they are away from home. Luckily I have Joe to take my mind off of it...since it's a minimum day tomorrow we're heading to the beach. Bliss-my favorite place to be!

1 comment:

Aston said...

I am so happy to hear about Taylor's experience. Yeah!! I am excited to hear about Camp from Suzanne. I am going to have to pick her brain. Next year we have trek so I have a little longer to figure out how to get our Stake to up the camp quality.

So what did you think of Breaking Dawn? I am going to have to give you call. I liked it but some of my girlfriends really, really did not!!