Frazzle Rock

It's been such a busy time of year with projects and such that I haven't had time to blog very much this year. Having four kids in three different schools is taking it's toll on me. It doesn't help that someone (Who shall remain nameless) forgets something and wants me to bring it to her at least three times a week. I drive to seminary two days a week, three different schools and after school activities every day. It's been kinda crazy. Not to mention homework! Science fair projects, book reports, mission projects, seriously, how do working moms do it? I can barely keep up on anything and I am home! Oh yeah, maybe I could stop using the computer because that's a time sucker right there. So in honor of feeling frazzled, I thought I'd post what I feel like I must look like at the end of the day...these lovely pics are me on my 16th birthday, courtesy of my friends.

This is what my hair looks like from behind, and usually still when I wake up.
And this is from the front when I am in a hurry to do my makeup. See I haven't really changed that much in the last 20 years.


Susie Demke said...

Oh my gosh, my friends did the same thing to me on my 16th. Funny. I will see if I can find those old photos.
I hear you. Mine are just younger and stinkier. And I'm really starting to look how I feel. It aint pretty!

summerzfamily said...

I am laughing so hard--- you are so funny--- that's the April I remember & know & love---xoxoo

The Aston Project said...

The fashionable side! Whoo hooo!

Hafer Family said...

fun stuff!

April Hunsaker said...

yes it's true, I looked great on my sixteenth birthday. Summer why are you laughing? I look that way every day don't I?