Shrinking Ray

Taylor, Carter and I participated in a Mother-Son BBQ at Carter's school recently. Carter and I had a blast playing the games together. Taylor, being in middle school now was too cool for the games and instead "hung out" with a few of his friends(that just happened to be there with their moms and younger siblings). While I was playing with Carter I happened to notice Taylor talking to some girls with his friends. To my surprise he handed his cell phone to one of them and smiled as she typed something into his phone. I was too far away to really get the scoop without causing a scene so instead I bided my time and casually asked him about it later. The funny thing is, since Taylor has started middle school I have noticed that he talks about girls much more than he did in elementary school, but he still didn't really seem interested in them, in that way. So my interrogation, er, I mean questions had to be subtle.
Me: So what were you talking to the girls about?
Him: Stuff
Me: What kind of stuff?
Him: School
Me: Do they go to your school?
Him: No
Me: Why did she take your cell phone and type something?!
Him: Were you watching me?!
Me: Uh, no...I uh just was wondering.
Him: She just gave me a ring tone mom, no big deal
Me:(relieved) oh good.
Him: Mom, you know I talk to girls all the time, right?

Needless to say, I know he talks to girls, I think it was that he seemed to enjoy it a little too was like, gulp, flirting or something! Why can't kids stay 6 years old forever? When they love you and no one else is important? I remember my mom saying that about my youngest brother Joe and now I know what she meant! I think I will borrow something that Scott always says, I am going to invent a shrinking ray and shrink them back down to the age and size where they fit into my arms and I can keep them safe and sound in my own little world forever!


Susie Demke said...

I hear you. When they invent the gun get one for me too.
You make a cute horse.

summerzfamily said...

April, I totally agree-- no wonder I had 2 more kids after a big gap---- needed them to "need" me again :)

Ange said...

That is so funny! I would like the shrink machine also. Maybe by the time Livy is a teenager they will have invented one!!

Aston said...

Ohhh my goodness...I am so nervous for that day. Ty still thinks I am the most important "girl" in his life.

April Hunsaker said...

Ok now I am really freaked out! Taylor told me that his first middle school dance is this week and he wants to go!! Yikes

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you!

Love the Halloween blog look

The Ward Family said...

That's funny! Maybe I can borrow the machine if you guys find one. I could totally see myself not wanting any girls to even look at my boy (if I have one). . . .maybe you can chaperone the dance :)