The candy exchange |
Zanna and Livy at Ward Party |
Taylor and Dylan at ward party |
Little Red Riding Hood and Prince of Persia |
A bear and a cat |
Ugh, Taylor decided to go scary |
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize |
Scott and April |

Ah Halloween. I know what you're thinking. What's so great about Halloween? Well when you're a kid and you get to dress up and eat candy until you throw up (which is exactly what Carter did the day after our ward Trunk or Treat) it's an adventure that only happens once a year. Well, the candy part pretty much happens for me all the time because I love candy, but the dressing up is usually only once a year. It's the time to pretend to be someone or something else for a day. I love coming up with an idea and putting it into action. This year I was a flapper and Scott was a mobster. I forgot my camera at the party so check out facebook if you can't stand to miss those pics. Lacey was a marionette puppet for the party, but on the day of Halloween she decided to change it to Little Red Riding Hood because too many people asked her what she was. Some of my favorite costumes this year were Johnny Cash and June Carter, The whole gang from Peter Pan, and of course mine. The best part is, I am already thinking about what to wear for next year. So if you feel less than inspired by dressing up, remember it's a chance to be someone else for one day. Get creative, have fun, kids would never think about missing the opportunity to dress up! (and because there is candy involved what's not to love?) Hope to see your costume next year!